I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal. The news reporting is excellent. The Saturday features are terrific. But I ordinarily ignore the ignominious editorial pages except for Peggy Noonan.
She is sometimes infuriating; sometimes insightful; never boring. Last week, she was infuriating and insightful. On the racial issue. She distinguished between faculty lounge Robespierres - racial radicals (apparently the Democrats) and those who will side with Senator Tim Scott (the only Republican African-American Senator) in believing that the U.S. is not a racist country and that racism is a vice. No shades of grey; no acknowledgement that Republicans have campaigned for years on coded racial appeals.
Having established herself as willfully blind to the realities of Republican politics, she proceeds in rousing rhetoric to decimate the “sage of Mar-a-Lago.” He is a “waning figure”; his unfavorable ratings are 15% higher than his favorable ratings; a majority of Republicans said they favored the party over Trump; 44% were the other way around; he is losing air like a deflated balloon from a Thanksgiving Day Parade; and my favorite line: in running in fear from him, Republican politicians “are running from a corpse.”
With Peggy Noonan, you take the bitter with the sweet.