Laurence Tribe tweets that “Trump is ensuring the avoidable death of countless New Yorkers by deliberately sitting on 20,000 urgently needed ventilators so he can blame Cuomo. His moral culpability is that of a murderer even though the law doesn’t call him one.”
It is possible that Trump is withholding the ventilators so that he can blame Cuomo. I think it more likely that he is withholding the ventilators because New York votes Democratic. If New York were a swing state, does anyone doubt that he would have released the ventilators? There is good reason to believe that Trump held off from the beginning because he feared that the stock market would react badly. That was moronic and short-sighted from the perspective of the stock market and in pathological disregard of the public health. Only a thoroughly evil and twisted man would behave in that way. And even if his actions toward New York are not technically murder under the penal code, this form of mass murder shows him to be a sociopath and shows that Republican politicians and voters are willing to be allied with unspeakably horrendous acts.