Some of Bernie Sanders’ supporters (it’s hard to know how many) are acting in ways that give the campaign a bad name. In response to Clinton’s criticism of Sanders, a recent thread on Facebook in various comments accused her of being moronic, narcissistic (or possessed by power hungry narcissism), idiotic and venal as hell, a piece of s..t, completely insane, a thug, corrupt, motivated by envy, or motivated by money. To this I responded, “If Sanders wins, you will have to secure the votes of former Clinton voters. If Sanders does not win, you will assist in the re-election of Trump by not voting for Warren or a "moderate" candidate. Do you really think the ferocity of the above comments is constructive? Is it possible that Clinton's comments are sincere (however misconceived) and not prompted by mental illness, a thirst for power, money, or the like. I don't like her statements either, but in my opinion, there is a Trumpian quality to the comments assembled in this thread.”
A few days ago a group called NY Communities for Change bragged that they brought a coffin to a Biden fund raiser “to mourn the death of Biden’s campaign. They wouldn’t let us in, but we held a service in the lobby.”
In response, Bob Shrum, long time advisor and speech writer to major Democratic candidates, said “this is Trumpism on the left. And I’m a progressive Democrat. It’s obscene and debases you as you assault a man who has lost a wife and two children in the most painful ways. I denounce you; Sanders should too.”
Shrum has not endorsed a candidate in this campaign and neither has NY Communities for Change (From their site it is clear that they will not be supporting Mayor Mike or Mayor Pete). But there is something deeply wrong and pragmatically foolish when progressives act like Trump.