What Sanders said about Fidel Castro is accurate, but would any good politician who wanted to win the swing state of Florida double down on this statement? Wouldn’t a good politician emphasize that there was more bad than good in the Castro regime and that he regretted the harm his praise may have occasioned to the many who suffered under the regime?
Sanders opposes fracking for good reasons, but this is not a popular position. Is there any doubt that Trump will call this to the attention of swing state Pennsylvania voters in a powerful way? Can we be confident that current polls will remain steady through the fall after an avalanche of Trump ads?
Would any good politician say that he does not want the $1 billion that Bloomberg had previously promised to spend for any Democratic candidate? See https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/02/bernie-id-rather-lose-than-let-bloomberg-spend-money-on-me.html Bloomberg has now said that he will abide by the wishes of Sanders. Sanders’ throwing away of $1 billion in campaign expenditures on his behalf and against Trump is an astonishing case of excessive ideological purity. It risks throwing tens of millions of vulnerable people under the bus and risks the continuation of our headlong rush toward unchecked power in the hands of a moronic sociopath.