Most of the press is expressing the view that the increase in the unemployment rate is bad for the Democrats. One might think it would be just the other way. The Republicans have said if we leave money in the hands of the rich, they will be job creators. In fact, the wealthy have created jobs overseas and invested in job destroying technology. The Democrats wanted to take money from the super-rich and help the states hire teachers, police, and fire fighters. They wanted to use the money for job-creating infrastructure, and the Republicans blocked every effort. The Republicans spoke out against bloated government (meaning public jobs for teachers, police, and the like); the Republicans favor money to industries who give them campaign contributions (like oil), but oppose money going to green industries who tend to give money to Democrats. As the New York Times editorialized on Saturday, the way forward to creating jobs has been blocked time and time again by Republican opposition.
So why is the perception that Obama is at fault for the failure to create more jobs? In my view, it is because Obama has tried to stand above the fray, playing Mr. Nice Guy trying to get the Republicans to throw a bone for a small scale deal. Meanwhile the Republicans have captured the rhetorical headlines appearing to stand for something while the Democratic Party leader has given them free reign. But, campaign season has arrived and Obama has begun to say that the Republican have been wrong or willfully obstructive all along. His message should be that if the American people want jobs they need to get Republicans out of the House and Senate. There is also a story of money corrupting politics to tell as well. It will take a while for the message of Republican responsibility of job failure to get through. Fortunately, it is a long campaign season.
Let's hope Dems get the message when Walker wins in Wisconsin.
The message is that smaller gummint is better, that the gummint has no business in education or firefighting, that overseas job creation is good for Americans too, that valuing wealth and property is a sine qua non of valuing people and liberty, that gummint subsidizing of any business is evil, that most all "green" projects are silly and prone to failure, and that Americans don't want any more national debt or crony support of Solyndras or bailouts of Government Motors.
Posted by: Jimbino | 06/05/2012 at 09:07 AM
Of Course the "Job Creation"you are talking about are for unions who support Democrats.
Posted by: Jerry | 06/04/2012 at 07:12 PM