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Clark West

Thanks for posting this, Steve, and thanks to Taryn for highlighting Sara Miles witness, a powerful one that many of us in the Episcopal Church share. Just fyi, on the thread on open communion from Episcopal Cafe to which Steve links, Donald Schell is one of the contributors. Donald was one of the founders of Sara's church, St. Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco, a parish that has done more than almost any other in bringing liturgical renewal to the church. Theirs is a remarkable integration of the ancient and the (post) modern, and well worth a visit if you're out on the West Coast. Their icons, which include Sojourner Truth, Charles Darwin, John Coltrane and Malcolm X, are worth the price of admission! A truly remarkable witness to the priesthood of all believers (and even of some unbelievers!!)


Wow! This is a pile of unmitigated BS. I, like 100% of humans, was born an atheist, probably baptized by RC relatives as an infant, rebaptized in a Bible Church, and now, a scientist, again asserting my atheism.

There is no god, there is no "grace." There's just genuflecting, fiddling with rosaries, communion and confession.

Thank Darwin that my RC father was excommunicated for marrying my non-RC mother. Else I would probably have suffered untold years of "Hail Mary, ..." and loads of other nonsense.

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