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Patrick S. O'Donnell

I've not read Stone's book on religious naturalism but I'm wondering if the views of Green and kindred spirits might be simply descriped as formulations of "metaphysical naturalism." The difference here would be that the former term assumes the presence of what we might call, after William P. Alston, "religion-making characteristics,"* and I suspect (and thus may very well be wrong) that what is called "religious naturalism" lacks a significant number of the characteristics we typically associate with religion qua religion. In any case, I find the idea that religion should be the handmaiden of science as unattractive as the idea that philosophy is principally an underlaborer for science.

*Please see this post at Ratio Juris for one such list inspired by Alston's original version as found in his edited volume, Religious Belief and Philosophical Thought... (1963): http://ratiojuris.blogspot.com/2008/12/hinduism-selected-bibliography.html

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